[erlang-questions] Distributed Process Spawner

Alex Hudich alttagil@REDACTED
Wed Sep 2 13:52:13 CEST 2015


I am working on a piece of software which requires start of massive amount of workers (using spawn_link) but now I face with the limitation of one server for handling all the workers. 
All workers start with simple spawn_link then do their work and return some piece of data to a caller by sending a message.

I wonder if I can unload master server and add some additional erlang nodes to perform this job. Of course I looked into pool and slave modules but it seems (beside of setting up ssh keys) does not support dynamic adding or deleting of nodes. 
Actually I want to know how to build some node supervising module that allows incoming connections from a new slave nodes and automatically plug them into some pool of nodes (including master) for spawning processes. Also it has to exclude down nodes and load balancing workers amongst nodes (so it has to collect some load statistics from nodes)

Could you guys help me to find such component or give me advice how to build such thing?

Thank you.

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