[erlang-questions] Cover compilation vs. dialyzer
Roger Lipscombe
Tue Mar 3 21:30:15 CET 2015
I've got a couple of modules in my project which exist purely to hold
binary objects. That is: given a file foo.bin, I generate a module
foo_bin, with a function bin/0 which has the original file inlined in
Something like this:
embed_file_in_beam(InputPath) ->
{ok, Bytes} = file:read_file(InputPath),
ModuleName = get_module_name(filename:basename(InputPath)),
OutputPath = filename:join("ebin", ModuleName ++ ".beam"),
% We'll export a function Mod:bin/0.
Mod = list_to_atom(ModuleName),
Fun = 'bin',
% An Erlang module is a list of forms; we need three:
Forms = [
module_form(Mod), % -module(foo).
export_form(Fun), % -export([bin/0]).
function_form(Fun, Bytes) % bin() -> <<...>>.
{ok, Mod, Bin} = compile:forms(Forms, [debug_info]),
ok = file:write_file(OutputPath, Bin).
function_form(Fun, Binary) ->
% a function,
{function, 1, Fun, 0,
% with one clause,
[{clause, 1, [], [],
% which has one expression, a binary,
[{bin, 1, [
% made up of the stuff we first thought of.
{bin_element, 1, {integer, 1, Byte}, default, default}
|| <<Byte:8>> <= Binary
However, cover compilation and dialyzer are fighting each-other over
whether these files should include debug information or not.
If I _don't_ include the debug_info option, then dialyzer fails
complaining that there's no abstract code.
If I _do_ include the debug_info option, then cover compilation fails,
apparently while trying to find the original source file. Which
doesn't exist.
How can I keep both tools happy?
Or, alternatively, is there a better way to embed binary resources in
an Erlang module? And by "better", I don't mean "stick 'em in the priv
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