[erlang-questions] 回复: about reb ar generated release 。Hint already use nodename when I use 'gm_server start' startup

dsdds 1172693953@REDACTED
Fri Jun 26 04:07:58 CEST 2015

I check the port and the process,but I have no found such as 'gm_server' process,I think may be my application start two times.
I save some image about the error and  the port of the os and process information,below.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Fred Hebert"<mononcqc@REDACTED>; 
发送时间: 2015年6月26日(星期五) 凌晨1:57
收件人: "dsdds"<1172693953@REDACTED>; 
抄送: "erlang-questions"<erlang-questions@REDACTED>; 
主题: Re: [erlang-questions] about reb ar generated release 。Hint already use nodename  when I use 'gm_server start' startup

On 06/25, dsdds wrote:
>Hi, everybody.    First, Thank everyone  help.
>    I am using cowboy and rebar building a webapplication,the application running in ubuntu-server. I am start by shell that is succeed. but I uisng the releases of the rebar generated , use the 'gm_server start'  is faild.
>    oh,my god , excuse me, My broken English.
>    I  modified name of node,but ,still appeared the problem
>    This error message below。

Hi, the error you see is taking place because you start the node with 
the name 'gm_server@REDACTED' but another one with the same name 

You just need to kill the old VM of the same name to run the new one.
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