[erlang-questions] [ANN] Erlang/Elixir packages for Alpine Linux (musl libc + busybox)

Marlus Saraiva marlus.saraiva@REDACTED
Wed Jul 29 21:04:05 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Erlang 18.0.2 and Elixir 1.0.5 packages are now available for Alpine Linux.

More info about the packages, minimal docker images and examples can be
found at:
https://github.com/msaraiva/alpine-erlang (WIP)

Some examples of minimal docker images:
Erlang: 16.78 MB
Elixir: 21.44 MB
Phoenix Chat Example (full web application): 23.52 MB

Since building Erlang against musl + busybox requires some patching, it
would be really nice to get more people involved, either by just providing
feedback or, even better, by creating new packages, providing patches,
docker images or anything related. So if you have something to share, fell
free to open an issue or send me an email.


Marlus Saraiva
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