[erlang-questions] gen_tcp send_timeout and memory leak caveats

Max Lapshin max.lapshin@REDACTED
Mon Jul 20 13:24:33 CEST 2015


Seems that I met rather rare situation when send_timeout doesn't help from
memory leak.

I have an architecture, when central process send messages with big binary
blobs to subscribed processes via plain !

Each process takes messages and tries to write to socket which is
configured with {send_timeout, 10000}.  If socket replies with {error,
timeout} then process is closed and no more messages are received.

This architecture can work only if gen_tcp:send will 100% return after 10,
maybe 15 or at least 60 seconds.

After customer has masterly configured bonding on 4 ethernet ports and cut
2 of 4 cables, we've got rare situation with 50% of packet loss.

It lead to very interesting situation when plenty of processes are locked
in prim_inet send for many minutes.

gen_tcp:send doesn't allow to pass nosuspend option to port_command and
thus it is impossible to send data to socket with real timeout.  If tcp
socket is blocked, erlang:port_command will be blocked for a veeeryy long

I had to refuse from gen_tcp to port_command and enable add missing timeout

send(Socket, Data) ->
  try erlang:port_command(Socket, Data, [nosuspend]) of
    false ->
      {error, busy};
    true ->
        {inet_reply, Socket, Status} -> Status
        20000 -> {error, timeout}
    error:Error ->
      {error, Error}

Another way to handle it is to launch a process that will scan
erlang:processes() and check their message_queue_len. Very "elegant" and
"good designed" solution, but it will work.

What is the proper way to handle such situation?  And yes, I cannot use
gen_server:call from central process to clients, because I need it to scale
to 2000-3000 secondary processes.
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