[erlang-questions] More Information: snmpm:register_agent/3 suddenly stopped working!

Jim Rosenblum jim.rosenblum@REDACTED
Wed Feb 11 17:48:20 CET 2015

Thanks, somehow I missed that.  Thanks again!

> On Feb 11, 2015, at 3:33 AM, Dominik Pawlak <dominik_pawlak@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello Jim,
> snmp application has changed between 17.1 (snmp v4.25.1) and 17.4 (snmp v5.1.1). According to docs the address should look like:
> "Addr is the address in the transport domain, either an {IpAddr, IpPort} tuple or a traditional SNMP integer list containing port number. IpAddr is either a regular Erlang/OTP ip_address() or a traditional SNMP integer list not containing port number, and IpPort is an integer.
> ip_address() = ip4_address() | ip6_address()
> ip4_address() = {0..255, 0..255, 0..255, 0..255}"
> I always used [127,0,0,1] or {127,0,0,1} and never had any problem with it, I have never tried with "".
> Best
> Dominik
>> On 11.02.2015 05:31, jim rosenblum wrote:
>> More information: 
>> on 17.4 CentOS release 5.5 -- used to work before I upgraded from 17.1  
>> > snmpm:register_agent(snmp_manager,"Hope", [{engine_id, "mgrEngine"},{community,"CLSENTRY"},{address, ""},{port,161}, {tdomain,transportDomainUdpIpv4},{sec_level,           noAuthNoPriv},{sec_name, "initial"},{version, v2},{timeout,1000}]).
>> > ok
>> on 17.1 CentOS release 6.2
>> snmpm:register_agent(snmp_manager,"Hope", [{engine_id, "mgrEngine"},{community,"CLSENTRY"},{address, ""},{port,161}, {tdomain,transportDomainUdpIpv4},{sec_level,             noAuthNoPriv},{sec_name, "initial"},{version, v2},{timeout,1000}]).
>> {error,{bad_address,{transportDomainUdpIpv4,""}}}
>>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 10:40 PM, jim rosenblum <jim.rosenblum@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> I have an application that uses snmp that used to work and all of a sudden doesn't - I did upgrade from 17.1 to 17.4 - but other than that nothing has changed that I know of. I am having trouble down-grading, so I cannot confirm that the upgrade is the culprit.
>>> When I do the following from a machine with IP address
>>> 1> snmpm:register_agent(hope,"Hope", [{engine_id, "mgrEngine"},{community,"CLSENTRY"},{address, ""}]).
>>> I get
>>> {error,{bad_address,{snmpUDPDomain,""}}}
>>> I have an appropriate snmpd.conf on that has
>>> com2sec sentrysrv CLSENTRY
>>> group CLROGroup v2c sentrysrv
>>> view all included .1 80
>>> access CLROGroup "" v2c noauth exact all none none
>>> adding {tdomain, transportDomainUdpIpv4} to the option list results in the, essentially, same error:
>>> {error,{bad_address,{{error,{bad_address,{transportDomainUdpIpv4,""}}}
>>> Both machines can ping each other. The snmpd daemon is running on .11, I have tried all kinds of additional options (port, etc.), but cannot get it to work
>>> This is *killing* me, can anyone point out what stupid thing I am doing wrong?
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