[erlang-questions] head mismatch

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Tue Feb 10 09:06:53 CET 2015

You are correct it is nopt possibler to have sum/1 followed by sum/2 
with an ";" between them. They are different functions that happen to 
have the same name. But since the arity (number of arguments) is 
different they are different.


On 02/10/2015 09:01 AM, Roelof Wobben wrote:
> Hello,
> I changed my code so that it also can count from a number to a number, 
> so sum(3,6) does 3+4+5+6 and sum(2) does 0+1+2
> I now have this :
> -module(sum_recursion).
> -export([sum/1, sum/2]).
> % when the number is zero the outcome will also be zero
> sum(0) ->
>   0;
> % when a number is greater then 0 , call the helper function.
> sum(End) when End > 0 ->
>   sum_acc(End,0);
> % when the first number is greater then zero and lower then the second 
> number
> sum(Begin, End) when Begin >= 0 , Begin =< End ->
>   sum_acc(Begin, End, Begin).
> % When End is equal to zero all the numbers are added
> sum_acc(0,Acc) ->
>      Acc;
> % When End is equal to Begin all numbers are added.
> sum_acc(Begin, Begin, Acc) ->
>   Acc ;
> % when end is not zero there are more numbers to be added.
> sum_acc(End, Acc) ->
>      sum_acc(End - 1, Acc + End);
> % When end is not equal to begin then there are more numbers to be added.
> sum_acc(Begin, End, Acc) ->
>   sum_acc(Begin, End - 1, Acc + End).
> but as soon as I try to compile it I see this error :
> error
> 7> c(sum_recursion).
> sum_recursion.erl:14: head mismatch
> sum_recursion.erl:22: head mismatch
> sum_recursion.erl:3: function sum/1 undefined
> sum_recursion.erl:3: function sum/2 undefined
> Am I not alllowed to do this
> sum(x) ->
>    x ;
> sum(x,y) ->
>   x + y.
> or is there something else missing ?
> Roelof
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