[erlang-questions] memsup bug?

Max Lapshin max.lapshin@REDACTED
Mon Feb 9 05:05:26 CET 2015

Well, it is rather simple:

06:40:23.032 <0.136.0> OS_MON (memsup) timeout, no data collected

06:40:23.033 <0.136.0> gen_server memsup terminated with reason: bad
argument in call to erlang:cancel_timer(undefined) in memsup:handle_info/2
line 357

  * Last msg: {collected_sys,{2947452928,6115938304}}

  * State: [{data,[{"Timeout",60000000}]},{items,{"Memory
Memory User",[{"Pid",<0.309.0>},{"Memory",1803752}]}}]

but there are many places where wd_timer is set to undefined, so it is not
even checked.  I could reproduce it by just closing laptop and opening it
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