[erlang-questions] Conditional configuration?

Roger Lipscombe roger@REDACTED
Fri May 30 13:09:06 CEST 2014

You can provide different config files by using the -config switch. We
use this to have a different configuration for each environment.
Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of duplication in the config files.

You can also provide multiple configuration files to the erlang
runtime. Later ones will override earlier ones, but at a fairly coarse
granularity. See http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/config.html for

We've been looking at cuttlefish
(https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish/), which allows sysctl-syntax
configuration files, and seems like it will allow more fine-grained
merging of configuration files at startup. The point of that being
that you'd have base.config, dev.config, and (potentially)
machine.config files which would overlay on each-other.

On 30 May 2014 10:48, David Welton <davidnwelton@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Have you considered file:script?
>> http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/file.html#script-1
> That'd probably require some hackering of Chicago Boss itself.  Not
> out of the question, but not quite as easy as I'd hoped for, either!
> --
> David N. Welton
> http://www.welton.it/davidw/
> http://www.dedasys.com/
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