[erlang-questions] noproc gen_server cowboy
Erik Søe Sørensen
Tue May 13 10:13:28 CEST 2014
It's not just a reverse-endian'ed size...
458453399216374 = 0x'0001'A0F6'0001'A0F6 -- weird duplication...
(0x1A0F6 = 106742 = 104.2KB, so that part fits.)
2014-05-13 1:10 GMT+02:00 Ahmad Baitalmal <ahmad@REDACTED>:
> Thanks Loïc,
> It now runs and I can connect. I thought I read somewhere that relx
> automatically started the related apps. I guess it doesn't always.
> There is something wrong still, I'm getting this error for all files in
> the browser.
> I checked the headers and cowboy is reporting the header "
> *Content-Length:* 458453399216374" for a file that is only 104K.
> Could this be a problem with cowboy running on a little-endian machine
> (mipsel)?
> Thanks,
> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Loïc Hoguin <essen@REDACTED> wrote:
>> You didn't start the cowboy dependencies, I'm not sure how it could have
>> worked on your Mac. Cowboy requires crypto, cowlib and ranch to be started
>> to run. Try application:ensure_all_started(cowboy) instead and it'll do
>> that for you.
>> On 05/12/2014 02:20 AM, Ahmad Baitalmal wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Im going crazy trying to solve this.
>>> Works on my Mac, but when I copy to a linux router (OpenWRT, R17, cowboy
>>> 0.9.0) it give me the error below.
>>> Is this a cowboy or erlang gen_server issue?
>>> I tried http, same result. So it's not an ssl issue. I can't tell what
>>> the error is...
>>> % --------------------- This is my app code that starts cowboy
>>> -module(onion_app).
>>> -behavior(application).
>>> -export([start/2]).
>>> -export([stop/0]).
>>> -export([stop/1]).
>>> -include("common.hrl").
>>> start(_Type, _Args) ->
>>> application:start(cowboy),
>>> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
>>> {'_', [
>>> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, onion ,"index.html"}},
>>> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, onion , ""}}
>>> ]}
>>> ]),
>>> RootDir = code:root_dir(),
>>> Port = 443,
>>> cowboy:start_https(my_https_listener, 10,[
>>> {port, Port},
>>> {certfile, RootDir ++ "/ssl/onion.crt"},
>>> {keyfile, RootDir ++ "/ssl/onion.key"}
>>> ],
>>> [
>>> {env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}
>>> ]
>>> )
>>> onion_sup:start_link().
>>> stop(_State) ->
>>> ok.
>>> % --------------------- I'm getting this error :(
>>> Exec: /mnt/sda1/onion/erts-6.0/bin/erlexec -boot
>>> /mnt/sda1/onion/releases/1/onion -env ERL_LIBS
>>> /mnt/sda1/onion/releases/1/lib -config
>>> /mnt/sda1/onion/releases/1/sys.config -args_file
>>> /mnt/sda1/onion/releases/1/vm.args -- console
>>> =INFO REPORT==== 11-May-2014::03:45:55 ===
>>> application: onion
>>> exited: {bad_return,
>>> {{onion_app,start,[normal,[]]},
>>> {'EXIT',
>>> {noproc,
>>> {gen_server,call,
>>> [ranch_sup,
>>> {start_child,
>>> {{ranch_listener_sup,my_https_listener},
>>> {ranch_listener_sup,start_link,
>>> [my_https_listener,10,ranch_ssl,
>>> [{port,443},
>>> {certfile,"/mnt/sda1/onion/ssl/onion.crt"},
>>> {keyfile,"/mnt/sda1/onion/ssl/onion.key"}],
>>> cowboy_protocol,
>>> [{env,
>>> [{dispatch,
>>> [{'_',[],
>>> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
>>> {priv_file,onion,"index.html"}},
>>> {[<<"tomato">>,'...'],[],tomato,[tomato]},
>>> {['...'],
>>> [],cowboy_static,
>>> {priv_dir,onion,[]}}]}]}]}]]},
>>> permanent,5000,supervisor,
>>> [ranch_listener_sup]}},
>>> infinity]}}}}}
>>> type: permanent
>>> Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G)
>>> (onion@REDACTED)1> {"Kernel pid
>>> terminated",application_controller,"{application_
>>> start_failure,onion,{bad_return,{{onion_app,start,[
>>> normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{noproc,{gen_server,call,[ranch_sup,{
>>> start_child,{{ranch_listener_sup,my_https_listener},{ranch_
>>> listener_sup,start_link,[my_https_listener,10,ranch_ssl,[{
>>> port,443},{certfile,\"/mnt/sda1/onion/ssl/onion.crt\"},{
>>> keyfile,\"/mnt/sda1/onion/ssl/onion.key\"}],cowboy_protocol,
>>> [{env,[{dispatch,[{'_',[],[{[],[],cowboy_static,{priv_file,
>>> onion,\"index.html\"}},{['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,
>>> onion,[]}}]}]}]}]]},permanent,5000,supervisor,[ranch_
>>> listener_sup]}},infinity]}}}}}}"}
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Ahmad
>>> ___________
>>> 650.539.9395
>>> Sent from my iPhon
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>> --
>> Loïc Hoguin
>> http://ninenines.eu
> --
> Ahmad
> ___________
> 650.539.9395
> Sent from my iPhone
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