[erlang-questions] Best/recommended erlang client for cassandra?
Serban Eduard
Wed May 7 10:04:39 CEST 2014
I use cqerl, https://github.com/matehat/cqerl
CQErl offers a simple Erlang interface to Cassandra using the latest CQL version (v3). The main features include:
* Automatic (and configurable) connection pools using pooler
* Batched queries
* Variable bindings in CQL queries (named or not)
* Automatic query reuse when including variable bindings
* Collection types support
* Tunable consistency level
* Synchronous or asynchronous queries
* Automatic compression (using lz4 or snappy if available)
* SSL support
* Pluggable authentication (as long as it's SASL-based)
On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 6:53 AM, Federico Carrone <federico.carrone@REDACTED> wrote:
There is also seestar:https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar
I used it and work fine in general. But we had a few issues. We migrated from cassandra to another database so I don't remember anymore which issues we had with seestar.
On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya <mahesh@REDACTED> wrote:
erlcql (https://github.com/rpt/erlcql) for CQL, and erlang_cassandra (https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlang_cassandra) for thrift.
>p.s. Both pretty actively maintained, though I'd stay away from thrift if I were you...
>On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Ryan Brown <ryankbrown@REDACTED> wrote:
>I'm looking to implement cassandra as, essentially, a replacement for mnesia in my erlang application. (Much research and battle woulds has resulted in this solution. Would be happy to discuss offline.)
>>My question is regarding what is the "best" cassandra client library for erlang. For me, best is mainly defined as reasonably simple implementation and active development and support.
>>cqerl? seestar? other?
>>Thanks in advance!
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>Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
>That tall bald Indian guy..
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