[erlang-questions] Understanding ChicagoBoss model

Ivan Carmenates García co7eb@REDACTED
Thu May 1 19:08:59 CEST 2014

Hi all,


I have some troubles with the CB ORM model, and I would love to know if
there is at least one way to do something like follow:


I have made a database model in postgres and when I tried to fix that model
in the CB model I encounter with some inconvenient, first do I have
obligatory to have and id for each table in the database? Including the many
to many normalized relationship like this one or a model with more than one
foreign keys


%%% Module attributes definition.

-module(user_friend_ships, [










When you compile it, it expects a field name called UsersId, even I tried to
specify in the users model de custom fk and nothing expected happens. In the
database I can have one fk called users_id that matches with one in the CB
model, but the other? It need to have a different name!.


-module(users, [










-has({user_friend_ships, many, [{foreign_key, "users1_id"}]}).

-has({user_friend_ships, many, [{foreign_key, "users2_id"}]}).


The other thing is the obligatory id even for the many to many


Best regards,




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