[erlang-questions] [Nix-dev] Erlang Package Manager

Eric Pailleau eric.pailleau@REDACTED
Wed Dec 31 22:02:00 CET 2014


php have Composer, wich use php binary.
replace php with erl, and count me in.
I cannot see how nix can work pn Windows, even I do not use it.
The PM must run on all plateform where erl is running.
best wishes.

« Envoyé depuis mon mobile » Eric

stewart mackenzie <setori88@REDACTED> a écrit :

>On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Anthony Ramine <n.oxyde@REDACTED> wrote:
>> How do you handle multiple versions of a single package?
>Okay allow me to give a rather detailed answer describing in how NixOS
>works. I'll also describe how I envisage Erlang adopting Nix as its
>package manager.
>So I like to think of Nix as the Matrix, you, Neo, can reconfigure
>your world at a command. Your entire environment is made up of
>thousands of symlinks that can shifted about in an instant. Dodge
>speeding bullets - no problem.
>Now some code.
>A convenient way of creating an environment is using nix-shell. These
>files sit in your project folder.
>(contents of dev-shell)
>#! /bin/sh
>s=$(type -p nix-shell)
>exec $s release.nix -A erlangEnv
>(contents of release.nix)
>  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
>    stdenv = pkgs.stdenv;
>  in rec {
>    erlangEnv = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
>      name = "erlang-env";
>      version = "";
>      src = ./.;
>      buildInputs = [ pkgs.erlang_odbc pkgs.git pkgs.openssl
>pkgs.libyaml pkgs.expat pkgs.zlib pkgs.libcouchbase pkgs.automake
>pkgs.autoconf pkgs.rebar ];
>    };
>  }
>Typically the above is used for short quick projects they are project
>specific environments.
>See the above 'pkgs.erlang_odbc' that currently points to erlang 17
>with odbc support. I can change that to 'pkgs.erlangR16' and it'll
>point to Erlang R16.03.
>These are the Erlang versions supported
>They are exposed via the all-packages.nix file
>You cannot have Erlang R16 and Erlang R17 in the same environment you
>will get a conflict.
>One could commit dev-shell and release.nix into your repo and
>thereafter run  './dev-shell' and you'll leave your current
>environment and an environment as dictated by the release.nix will be
>created for you.
>Now if the Erlang community is considering adopting Nix as its package
>manager then the below is the way to do it: Nix already supports
>python, perl, php, haskell, node, lua and guile:
>https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/top-level please
>notice the language specific *.nix files.
>For example
>When adding a node package one simply adds the package name to this
>file https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.json
>and run npm2nix on the file like such: 'npm2nix node-packages.json
>node-packages-generated.nix'. The program npm2nix will go to the
>canonical https://www.npmjs.com/ and download all the node packages,
>update each package and create nix expressions accordingly. The
>packager then commits the edited *.json file and the generated file
>and makes a pull request for everyone's disposal.
>So referring to the previous release.nix example, notice there are no
>erlang code dependencies (yes yes forget about rebar).  one would add
>'erlangPackages.cowboy'. This then gets the cowboy package that is
>part of the nixpkgs.
>In other words the Nix community and Erlang community need to start
>banging their heads together, create an erlang-packages.nix and extend
>it accordingly.
>So a rebar2nix program (see https://github.com/NixOS/npm2nix and
>https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix) could simply be pointed at a git
>cloned erlang project from github and it'll parse the rebar.config
>file pulling down dependencies, compiling them then making them
>immutable derivatives in your nix-store. Note these packages are
>obviously not available to everyone in the community. Though if you
>run the very same rebar2nix program on the canonical
>erlang-packages.nix in
>https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/top-level and
>generate a new file, then that would become available to everyone.
>Both communities are filled with terribly smart people. You'll get
>along just fine.
>Now, Nix also supports creating long lasting custom environments
>similar to nix-shell but essentially you install this environment as a
>package in your /nix/store so to speak.
>I have this file ~/.nixpkgs/erlang.nix
># $ nix-env -iA erlangEnv -f erlang.nix -p
># Make a convenience link.
>#      $ ln -sf
>/nix/var/nix/gcroots/profiles/per-user/erlang/bin/load-env-erlang .
># Activate the environment.
>#      $ ./load-env-erlang
># Optionally, rollback to an earlier generation of this profile.
>#      $ nix-env --list-generations -p
>      pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
>      stdenv = pkgs.stdenv;
>   in rec {
>       erlangEnv = pkgs.myEnvFun {
>         name = "erlang";
>         buildInputs = with pkgs; [ erlang rebar openssl git binutils
>bash emacs which libyaml expat zlib automake autoconf mc libtool
>python libevent meld tig libpcap cmake libcouchbase pidgin ];
>       };
>   }
>So this allows one to have generations such that one can rollback if
>something messed up. These environments can be quite complex if
>needed. You are limited by your creativity and the understanding of
>the nix expression language which is a lazy declarative language
>designed for managing packages. Indeed even nix-shell environment can
>be as complex as you want.
>A neat thing about NixOS (not Nix) is that you can configure your
>entire system (every daemon) in a declarative manner from one file:
>Nix is the package manager, it runs on Darwin, Linux, FreeBSD and IIRC
>windows. NixOS is it's own linux distro with Nix the package manager
>front and centre.
>Last word on immutability. Nix is very strict about immutability. So
>there are multiple phases when building a package. These phases allow
>for mutability, thereafter that package becomes immutable. Indeed
>/nix/store is read only. This is the Nix way, it's pointless fighting
>This is a quick grep of erlang in my /nix/store
>dr-xr-xr-x    5 root    root       4096 Jan  1  1970
>-r--r--r--    1 root    root       8835 Jan  1  1970
>-r--r--r--    1 root    root       2274 Jan  1  1970
>dr-xr-xr-x    5 root    root       4096 Jan  1  1970
>(did I just hear wtf?)
>A very happy new year to everyone
>erlang-questions mailing list

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