[erlang-questions] Type tuple won't compile
Tue Dec 30 19:54:52 CET 2014
On 12/30/2014 05:52 PM, Luis Rascão wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a hard time figuring out why the following code won't compile:
> -module(t).
> -export([test/1]).
> -record(map, {a, b}).
> -type map() :: #map{}.
> -record(tuple, {a, b}).
> -type tuple() :: #tuple{}.
> -record(list, {a, b}).
> -type list() :: #list{}.
> -spec test(map() | tuple() | list()) -> map | tuple | list.
> test(#map{}) -> map;
> test(#tuple{}) -> tuple;
> test(#list{}) -> list.
> erlc t.erl:
> t.erl:9: type tuple() already defined
> why should the tuple() type throw an error when the others do not?
because it is already defined.
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