[erlang-questions] Newbie question - running qdate results in noproc, gen_server exception

Carlos Paparoni carlos@REDACTED
Mon Dec 22 23:10:58 CET 2014

Thanks Jesse, Ivan, that did the job perfectly.

Now I just have to get the controller working with ChicagoBoss (or maybe
add the server start code to CB's startup script).

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2014-12-22 17:19 GMT-04:30 Jesse Gumm <gumm@REDACTED>:

> Hi Carlos,
> If you do application:start(qdate), it'll start the server appropriately
> and keep it running.
> That said, I've been planning on removing the running server requirement,
> as it's almost certainly not necessary, and most anything the server does
> can be safely replaced with environment vars.
> Take care,
> -Jesse
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Carlos Paparoni <carlos@REDACTED>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I'm fairly (read: extremely) new to Erlang and still
>> learning how to do stuff.
>> I'm currently trying to code some timezone functions in ChicagoBoss using
>> the qdate library (https://github.com/choptastic/qdate); however, when
>> trying to test the code either standalone or inside the controller, I'm
>> getting this error:
>> qdate:set_timezone("GMT").
>> ** exception exit: {noproc,{gen_server,call,
>> [qdate_srv,{set_timezone,<0.54.0>,"GMT"}]}}
>>      in function  gen_server:call/2 (gen_server.erl, line 182)
>>      in call from qdate_srv:set_timezone/2 (qdate_srv.erl, line 49)
>> Even though I previously did this:
>> qdate_srv:start_link().
>> {ok,<0.51.0>}
>> Would anyone be so kind as to tell me what I'm doing wrong (and how to
>> fix it), please?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> <http://systrix.com/firma/index.html>
>> * Web Developer*
>> carlos@REDACTED
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> --
> Jesse Gumm
> Owner, Sigma Star Systems
> 414.940.4866 || sigma-star.com || @jessegumm
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