[erlang-questions] Observer processes tab does not make sense
Dan Gudmundsson
Thu May 23 11:50:54 CEST 2013
Observer reports (by default) the reductions since last update,
you can change that in the View menu, with accumulate.
And you can change the refresh rate.
The memory comes from process_info(Pid, memory) see doc on that.
On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Jon Schneider <jon@REDACTED>wrote:
> I'm looking at the output of i() and observer's processes tab and am
> really struggling to make sense especially of the latter.
> Most processes have zero Reds if I believe observer. Then a couple of
> seconds later they don't. Or is it telling me Reds since I started looking
> ? i() output certainly makes more sense.
> Do they use different units for heap and stack ?
> Should I see anything that nearly agrees (taking into account the fact
> that many processes are always changing) ?
> Or is it that there is room for better documentation (otherwise this tool
> seems somewhat untrustworthy) ?
> This is emulator on XP.
> Jon
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