[erlang-questions] Appearance of carriage return in a erlang.log on UNIX

Valentin Kuznetsov vkuznet@REDACTED
Sun Mar 10 18:36:37 CET 2013

I built OTP application using rebar build tool and when I'm running on UNIX systems (both OSX and Linux) I see that created erlang.log.1 file has dos '\r' carriage return symbols in every line. I look-up on a web and did not find any reference about such behavior. I'll appreciate any suggestions why this happens (I don't think it's related to my application per-se and rather feel that it's somehow introduced by rebar, but I'm not sure). The carriage return symbols appears right after logging started message and follow up ever line after that. Here is an example of the head of my log.

===== LOGGING STARTED Sat Mar  9 20:55:02 EST 2013
Exec: /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/erts-5.9.3/bin/erlexec -boot /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/releases/1/urlfetchd -mode embedded -config /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/etc/app.config -args_file /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/etc/vm.args -- console^M
Root: /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd^M
Erlang R15B03 (erts-5.9.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:5] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]^M


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