[erlang-questions] Memory growing
Alex P
Sat Feb 2 22:11:21 CET 2013
Hi Dmitry,
Here is the output of the entop (as you can see, the processes are not the
issue here, "system" section is):
Node: 'agstats@REDACTED' (Connected) (R15B03/ unix
(linux 3.2.0) CPU:16 SMP +A:0
Time: local time 13:09:10, up for 003:12:35:31, 0ms latency,
Processes: total 334 (RQ 0) at 52918 RpI using 49898.4k (49993.9k allocated)
Memory: Sys 264699.0k, Atom 892.0k/910.9k, Bin 1826.3k, Code 8097.1k, Ets
Interval 1000ms, Sorting on "Reductions" (Descending), Retrieved in 12ms
Pid Registered Name Reductions MQueue HSize SSize
<0.326.0> - 25014751303 0 10946 9 39603
<0.301.0> agstats_amqp_consume 1281607832 0 2584 9 3571
<0.315.0> agstats_dispatcher 472013246 0 17711 9 18321
<0.310.0> - 210373059 0 987 9 1364
<0.293.0> process_killer 197156469 0 1597 9 3194
0.7437.1563> - 144466013 0 75025 9 150050
<0.305.0> - 122348400 0 1597 9 2207
<0.316.0> agstats_snapshotter 101550524 0 2584 9 2961
<0.299.0> agstats_db_mongo 100126516 0 10946 9 39603
<0.331.0> - 78832553 0 610 6 1220
<0.325.0> - 75253366 0 610 9 987
<0.330.0> - 71854078 0 987 9 1597
<0.312.0> - 68821776 0 2584 7 3571
<0.313.0> - 62769588 0 233 9 1220
<0.322.0> - 43514944 0 987 9 1364
.12614.1563> - 24678619 0 46368 9 92736
<0.82.0> timer_server 22905189 0 2584 9 2961
<0.327.0> - 22070516 0 610 9 1220
On Saturday, February 2, 2013 11:01:18 PM UTC+2, Dmitry Kolesnikov wrote:
> Hello,
> This is extremely hard to answer your question not knowing the application
> context, what it does, etc.
> Just keep in mode that memory report is given in words with is either 4 or
> 8 byte depends on system config. This is a reason why linux show diff
> value.
> I would start with entop utility and check top processes with high men and
> high reductions.
> https://github.com/mazenharake/entop
> Please share those views!
> Best Regards, Dmitry
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:52 PM, Alexandru Pirvulescu <sig...@REDACTED<javascript:>>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> If somebody could help me with an issue, I would be grateful. I'm pulling
> my hair off trying to figure out why an erlang app keeps growing in memory
> usage. The erlang:memory() after 3 days shows this:
> [{total,325732292},
> {processes,54520269},
> {processes_used,54492115},
> * {system,271212023},
> * {atom,932793},
> {atom_used,912937},
> {binary,2348080},
> {code,8288354},
> {ets,487392},
> {maximum,398189416}]
> The interesting part is "system" section. All other data is fine
> (processes goes to few MBs during the night as all the started procs are
> either hibernated - for long running or they die because of inactivity).
> There are two issues here:
> - "system" keeps growing (around 800MB/week)
> - OS (Linux) shows a significantly different amount of memory usage
> (almost 2x, 610MB resident in this case)
> The only case where I've managed to make "system" grow is by calling
> erlang:monitor() multiple times. It grows with ~13K/call.
> Erlang release used is R15B03.
> The questions are:
> - is there any hidden function to inspect all the active process monitors?
> (as the single place where I use erlang:monitor looks fine. The spawned kid
> does its job and dies, so the ref should be garbage collected).
> - is there any way to inspect "system" section and find out what it
> contains? Looking at memory chunks in process map got me nowhere
> Thank you,
> Alex
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