[erlang-questions] Takeover failure
Tony Rogvall
Mon Dec 2 09:32:04 CET 2013
This sounds fair enough :-)
On 2 dec 2013, at 09:15, Szoboszlay Dániel <dszoboszlay@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, "tons" might be a bit dramatic. There are 3 or 4 receive statements in the dist_ac gen_server code without a timeout. These are the potential hang up points. The root cause of all the problems is that dist_ac assumes all applications are started on all nodes in the same sequence. Now imagine a typical setup: the boot script starts app A then B, but unfortunately A has a restart timeout of 5000 and B has 3000. If the node running these apps crashes, the rest of the cluster will attempt to start B then A. But if the crashed node is restarted by heart within 3 seconds, it will rejoin the cluster before the takeover and attempt to start A then B. Result: neither of the apps fails over to anywhere and the restarted node won't even finish it's init sequence.
> Regarding a patch: I wrote a fix for the first couple of bugs I discovered. The problem is that I did it in my work time at a big company, where an entire security and legal department is thinking hard since then whether it is OK to release code to the public...
> To be honest, I don't push them hard right now either, because my fixes are not good for the above described scenario. That would need a complete rewrite of the dist_ac code to allow multiple apps to start concurrently. I have some ideas how to do it, but I won't have time to write a fix until January, I'm afraid (this time I'd do it from home).
> And I don't think this feature would be widely used btw. The dist_ac module hasn't been modified since the erlang/otp git repo exists. Furthermore I believe you are also safe to use it as long as you have only one distributed application. So I guess I'm the first one to run into this problems using 5-6 distributed apps and 5 nodes with equal priorities.
> BR,
> Daniel
> On Sun, 01 Dec 2013 22:45:31 -0000, Tony Rogvall <tony@REDACTED> wrote:
> ...
>> PS: I would avoid using distributed applications in production. The dist_ac module in the kernel application that takes care of deciding where to run which distributed application is a terrible spaghetti of gen_server callbacks and ad-hoc message passing with tons of race conditions that can block your entire cluster from starting up any distributed apps. I run into about 3-4 different bugs of this kind before abandoning the idea of using this feature.
> Is this really true? tons of race conditions, meaning over 1000 ? 3-4 different bugs ?
> This raises some serious questions, like: Did you try to correct this and send a patch, or why not?
> If distributed application is not usable, do OTP team know about this?
> if so why is this feature still there and could fool people into try to use it?
> /Tony
>> On Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:19:25 -0000, Tyron Zerafa <tyron.zerafa@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to understand how to implement takeover in Erlang by following the example presentedhere. Basically, I am creating the application's supervisor as follows;
>> start(normal, []) ->
>> m8ball_sup:start_link();
>> start({takeover, _OtherNode}, []) ->
>> m8ball_sup:start_link().
>> Supervisor init code:
>> start_link() ->
>> supervisor:start_link({global,?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
>> Supervisor child Specification:
>> {
>> {one_for_one, 1, 10},
>> [
>> {m8ball,
>> {m8ball_server, start_link, []},
>> permanent,
>> 5000,
>> worker,
>> [m8ball_server]
>> }]
>> }
>> Child (m8ball_server) Initialization
>> start_link() ->
>> gen_server:start_link({global, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
>> Consider the following scenario; an Erlang cluster is composed of two nodes A and B with application m8ball running on A.
>> Failover works perfect, I'm managing to kill node A and see the application running on the next node, B.
>> However, when I try to put back up node A (which have a higher priority then B) and init the app, I am getting the following error. I'm assuming that this occurs because node B already contains a supervisor globally registered with that name.
>> Log on Node A
>> {error,{{already_started,<2832.61.0>},
>> {m8ball,start,[{takeover,'b@REDACTED'},[]]}}}
>> =INFO REPORT==== 1-Dec-2013::16:17:32 ===
>> application: m8ball
>> exited: {{already_started,<2832.61.0>},
>> {m8ball,start,[{takeover,'b@REDACTED'},[]]}}
>> Log on Node B
>> =INFO REPORT==== 1-Dec-2013::16:24:55 ===
>> application: m8ball
>> exited: stopped
>> type: temporary
>> When I tried registering the supervisor locally, I got a similar exception failing to initializing the worker process. However, if I also register this as local, I would not be able to call it from any node using the app name (since it would not be globally registered).
>> Log on Node A (Supervisor Registered Locally)
>> {error,
>> {{shutdown,
>> {failed_to_start_child,m8ball,
>> {already_started,<2832.67.0>}}},
>> {m8ball,start,[{takeover,'b@REDACTED'},[]]}}}
>> Any pointers?
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Tyron Zerafa
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