[erlang-questions] [ANN] erlang.mk build tool

Loïc Hoguin essen@REDACTED
Fri Aug 16 16:34:56 CEST 2013

On 08/16/2013 10:39 AM, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
> The big problem with erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> is requiring to have
> gmake and more importantly wget installed imo.

wget is only used for fetching the package index file. I'm sure if it 
doesn't work somewhere it'll be patched eventually.

> Which makes it quite annoying to distribute on systems that have none of
> them. It would be interrestin to have the support for curl for example.
> Also what are the makefile extensions that you really need to require gmake?

No idea. Patches are welcome for compatibility with different OS/build 
tools (as long as it's not "rewrite the whole file" of course, then 
you're better off just using gmake).

> - benoit
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Loïc Hoguin <essen@REDACTED
> <mailto:essen@REDACTED>> wrote:
>     Hello friendly people,
>     I would like to make an official announcement of erlang.mk
>     <http://erlang.mk> now that all the features I wanted are in.
>     erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> is a rebar replacement. It was
>     initially created for allowing a faster development process than
>     rebar and for better compatibility with Linux build tools. It should
>     work on Linux and OSX with GNU Make installed.
>     Projects using erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> are still compatible
>     with rebar. Dependencies fetched by rebar are stored in the same
>     deps/ directory, and projects using erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> can
>     still be used as rebar dependencies, with or without a rebar.config
>     file.
>     erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> also features a simple package index.
>     Try `make pkg-list` to list all packages currently available. All
>     the packages listed are compatible with erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk>
>     with no tweaking required.
>     Makefiles written with erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> are *VERY*
>     simple, here are two examples:
>       * https://github.com/extend/__farwest/blob/master/Makefile
>     <https://github.com/extend/farwest/blob/master/Makefile>
>       * https://github.com/extend/__cowboy/blob/master/Makefile
>     <https://github.com/extend/cowboy/blob/master/Makefile>
>     I wrote about erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> and relx recently on the
>     Nine Nines blog. erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> is the perfect
>     companion to relx.
>       * http://ninenines.eu/articles/__erlang.mk-and-relx
>     <http://ninenines.eu/articles/erlang.mk-and-relx>
>     Here are examples of projects that are using and compatible with
>     erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk>:
>       * https://github.com/jlouis/__etorrent
>     <https://github.com/jlouis/etorrent>
>       * https://github.com/extend/__cowboy
>     <https://github.com/extend/cowboy>
>       * https://github.com/extend/__farwest
>     <https://github.com/extend/farwest>
>     You can find erlang.mk <http://erlang.mk> at the following URL:
>       * https://github.com/extend/__erlang.mk
>     <https://github.com/extend/erlang.mk>
>     Contributions to the package index are of course welcome! The only
>     requirement is that the package is to be compatible with erlang.mk
>     <http://erlang.mk> itself. Just send a PR to the erlang.mk
>     <http://erlang.mk> project updating the packages.v1.txt!
>     Enjoy!
>     --
>     Loïc Hoguin
>     Erlang Cowboy
>     Nine Nines
>     http://ninenines.eu
>     _________________________________________________
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Loïc Hoguin
Erlang Cowboy
Nine Nines

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