[erlang-questions] [ANN] Project FiFo webinar
Tatsuya Kawano
Tue Apr 23 01:46:43 CEST 2013
Hi Heinz,
Thank you. I just installed FiFo 0.3.4 and pyfi and played with them.
They look good.
> that is totally possible depending on how exactly your setup is there are
> multiple ways which all hold different advantages and disadvantages:
I'll probably choose 2) libsniffle for now, but try to move 3)
HTTP/REST API in the future.
2013/4/21 Heinz Nikolaus Gies <heinz@REDACTED>:
> Hi!
> that is totally possible depending on how exactly your setup is there are
> multiple ways which all hold different advantages and disadvantages:
> 1) Use rpc / node tool from within the fifo zone just as sniffle-admin /
> fifoadm does
> * Pros: no login, full access to all functions, no layer between your script
> and fifo
> * Cons: no layer between your script and fifo, needs to talk directly to
> fifo, no security, not well documented
> 2) Use libsniffle[1] to call the create etc functions
> * Pros: standard approach for internal applications to talk to sniffle, well
> tested, documented[2], no login required
> * Cons: requires mDNS discovery period, no security
> 3) User the HTTP/REST API
> * Pros: clean separation of your code and fifo, authentication, very well
> tested and documented[3], most canonical way to talk to FiFo from an outside
> app.
> * Cons: No erlang implementation of a API client (you'd have to roll your
> own), authentication required (not sure that is a cons)
> 4) User pyfi[4][5](python HTTP API client library & console client)
> * Pros: implements most of the API calls, working condition, clean
> separation of client and server code
> * Cons: Not erlang, no implementation of the zone console yet
> Cheers,
> Heinz
> [1] https://github.com/project-fifo/libsniffle
> [2] http://project-fifo.github.io/libsniffle
> [3] http://project-fifo.net/display/PF/API
> [4] https://github.com/project-fifo/pyfo
> [5] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyFi
> On Apr 21, 2013, at 5:22, Tatsuya Kawano <t6502ml@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi Heinz,
> I'm working on a (by now) quite big open source Erlang project for cloud
> management called Project FiFo and am going to hold an webinar regarding the
> architecture of the whole thing.
> Your project looks very interesting.
> Is there any way to make escripts to communicate FiFo's API server so
> that I can create, monitor, stop and delete SmartOS zones from these
> escripts? I'm developing an Erlang-based system and using SmartOS
> zones to test it. I usually create six zones by vmadm command and
> provision them with Chef, then deploy the system and run test suite,
> and finally delete these zones by vmadm. I'm currently doing vmadm
> part by hands but it will be great if I can escriptize them.
> Thanks,
> --
> Tatsuya Kawano (Mr.)
> Tokyo, japan
> 2013/4/19 Heinz Nikolaus Gies <heinz@REDACTED>
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on a (by now) quite big open source Erlang project for cloud
> management called Project FiFo and am going to hold an webinar regarding the
> architecture of the whole thing. I'll not deep dive into the erlang guts
> since it would blow up the timeframe but it still might be interesting and
> there is half a hour reserved for questions.
> The webinar is free so if this sounds interesting drop by!
> http://project-fifo.eventbrite.com/
> Cheers,
> Heinz
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