[erlang-questions] Global Name Registry Hang

Jeremy Hood jeremy.hood@REDACTED
Tue May 1 19:28:08 CEST 2012

Customer ID: eid63330888064

There was a hang in the global name registration that we experienced a
while back.  When I looked it up online at the time, there was a website
that identified the problem and had a workaround for it.  It was run by
Erlang-Solutions(.com), but the web page I saw before is not there any
more (http://www.trapexit.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=47938).  It said to
look up the system's global locks:

[{ResourceId, LockReqId, PidRefs}] = ets:lookup(global_locks, global).
[X,Y] = LockReqId.

And then to remove it.  That got the Erlang VM to work again, but we
never figured out what caused it to hang up in the first place.  Since
then, we upgraded to the latest version of Erlang and did not worry
about this problem until it just happened again the other day with
Erlang version R15B.  When I attached to the Erlang VM and issued the
command "global:sync()", it hung for a very long time before I finally
killed the VM.  Are you guys aware of any such problem?  Are we doing
something wrong that is causing this problem?  Thanks for the help.

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