[erlang-questions] [ANN] SublimErl - code completion: Looking for testers/contributors

Roberto Ostinelli roberto@REDACTED
Mon Apr 23 05:38:00 CEST 2012

Hello Max,

great, thank you :)

SublimErl entirely relies on rebar, so where/how do you compile your

Do you compile running 'rebar compile' from my_project/apps/my_projects
directory, and do the compiled files go to my_project/apps/my_projects/ebin?

If so, SublimErl should work, because it works by walking the directory
tree upwards from the .erl file you're editing until it finds a directory
that contains an /ebin directory.

Give it a try, let's take this off-list so that I can help you out.


On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Max Bourinov <bourinov@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi Roberto!
> Great work! I want to try it, but we have slightly different folder
> structure like:
> -- my_project
>    |-- apps
>        |--my_project
>           |--src
>           |  |--my_project.app.src
>           |--ebin
>           |--test
> How and where should I configure SublimErl to support it?
> Thank you in advance for you great job!
> Best regards,
> Max
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