[erlang-questions] Erlang based Web Stack

Roberto Aloi prof3ta@REDACTED
Wed Apr 4 13:46:40 CEST 2012

Hi Marc,

> That comparison is behind regarding Zotonic.
> And I guess also regarding the other projects, as the last update was 5 months ago.

True. I couldn't find any other so-detailed comparison, thought. It
would probably be worth to update that page with the latest changes in
the other frameworks.

> And it is more a comparison of the features of Chicago Boss to the others, not the other way around.
> Some extra categories could be considered.

Well, that page belongs to the Chicago Boss project, so no big
surprise about that. It's good that you made that point clear, though.

> But then, no comparison is ever complete.

I guess we should have a third-party one. Suggestion for a talk at the
next Erlang Factory? ;)

Roberto Aloi
Website: http://roberto-aloi.com
Twitter: @robertoaloi

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