[erlang-questions] where did my code come from?
David Goehrig
Tue Sep 13 21:44:30 CEST 2011
This is basically how most real world JavaScript applications already work, so it simply falls to building a nice distributed registry that can be universally queried.
Erlang txt fields in DNS anyone?
Also since rebar already allows you to specify your dependencies as git tags, we already have a system that will automatically pull the specific source (or latest if unspecified) and build your application.
-=-=- dave@REDACTED -=-=-
On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:19 AM, Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
> I had an idea on my way to work ...
> When you write code, you have *implicit* knowledge of where the
> external code comes from.
> When I write the following:
> -module(foo).
> ...
> start() ->
> X = lists:reverse(...),
> Y = elib1_misc:zap(...)
> Z = misultin:request(...)
> ...
> I "know" that lists is part of my local OTP install, elib1_misc is my
> own library installed
> in ~/code/elib2_1/ebin and misultin is an imported project stored in
> ~/imports/misultin
> I also know that my paths etc are setup so this code will work when I
> run the program.
> The problem is the *nobody else* knows this.
> I could tell the system like this:
> -module(foo).
> -location(lists,
> "https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/dev/lib/stdlib/src/lists.erl").
> -location(elib1_misc,
> "https://github.com/joearms/elib1/blob/master/lib/src/elib1_misc.erl").
> -location(misultin,
> "https://github.com/ostinelli/misultin/blob/master/src/misultin.erl").
> ...
> The location annotation give a *definitive source" for the module I
> am using in the module
> What could you do with this information?
> Answer - a lot - for starters
> - automatically check for "latest versions" of libraries
> download them when they change
> - provide "who uses my code" feedback to the authors of the code
> - publish (globally) lists of "definitive" versions of code
> - recursive track and code dependencies (What do I mean)
> when my system discovers that I use misultin - it
> downloads misultin.erl
> misultin.erl will have location dependencies which I can
> follow, thus the libraries
> that misultin calls can be fetched.
> - automate code loading
> Most often this kind of "additional" information is kept "outside
> the program" by strictly
> annotating the program with the location dependencies we bring this
> information *into* the program
> in a form where it cannot be detached from the source code.
> Comments?
> /Joe
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