[erlang-questions] Erlang and beam-based scripting languages.
George Catalin Serbanut
Tue Sep 13 14:41:05 CEST 2011
Hi, Max,
I don't know if I understood correctly, but what you are looking for is kind
of web server. Is that statement correct? If yes, see YAWS (Yet Another Web
Server - http://yaws.hyber.org/).
Other options:
1. If you look for a database (with web pages capability), see CouchDB (
2. If you look for a messenger-like server, see Ejabberd (
3. If you are looking for messenger-like client, see Exmpp (
4. If you are looking to pass arguments to a process in a dynamic way via a
configuration file, see os:cmd/1 function from Erlang (e.g., Customer =
"Max", CustomerPhoneNumber = os:cmd("cat phone_agend.txt | grep
\""++Customer++"\" | awk'{print $2}' ", or Type = "video", Video =
"crazy_cow", os:cmd("exec $(cat mime.cfg | grep \""++Type++"\" | awk
'{printf("%s", $2)}') "++Video)), where in mime.cfg you put a line `video
vlc'). Just use your imagination here. ;)
I hope this will help you. Good luck!
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Vlad Dumitrescu <vladdu55@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> > Do I understand correctly that you would like to have a module loader
> > that accepts registrations for file type handlers and whenever it
> > doesn't find a .beam file for a module, asks these handlers if they
> > can find a source file and compile+load it? That would be cool.
> Exactly. But there is comment in code_server looking like "leave hope
> anyone, who is going to change this module, many brave Swedens are
> lying here"
> and I'm a bit afraid to edit it =)
> > The
> > only delicate issue I see right now is how to find these source files,
> > if the source directories aren't added to the code path.
> >
> I think, best behaviour is to look inside code path. No code path, no
> modules.
> I've tried to take elixir and load it. Currently it is looking so
> (doesn't do any real job, just for example):
> digital_access.ex:
> module DigitalAccess
> def check(host, name, options)
> IO.puts "Called with #{host} #{name} #{options.inspect()}"
> {ok, headers, reply} = Erlang.http_stream.get_with_body("http://ya.ru/",
> [])
> url = "http://video.ru/movies/"+headers['"Content-Length"]
> [{'type, 'file},{'url, url},{'file_access,'http_file}]
> end
> end
> (ev@REDACTED)1> code:add_pathz(code:lib_dir(elixir,exbin)).
> true
> (ev@REDACTED)2> application:start(elixir).
> ok
> (ev@REDACTED)3> elixir:file("digital_access.ex").
> {{elixir_slate__,'exUnboundMethod::Behavior',
> [{arity,3},{name,check},{owner,exDigitalAccess}]},
> []}
> (ev@REDACTED)4> SomeUnknownArgument = [].
> []
> (ev@REDACTED)5> 'exDigitalAccess':check([], default, <<"http://ya.ru/">>,
> [{url, <<"zzz">>}]).
> Called with default http://ya.ru/ [{'url,"zzz"}]
> [{type,file},
> {url,<<"http://video.ru/movies/6747">>},
> {file_access,http_file}]
> (ev@REDACTED)6>
> So it really looks very close to what I want, except module name and
> automatic loading.
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