[erlang-questions] Using processes instead of gen_servers

Max Bourinov bourinov@REDACTED
Mon Nov 21 14:23:00 CET 2011

Do you run you app on one node?

Best regards,

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:31 PM, ori brost <oribrost@REDACTED> wrote:

> We are writing a server in erlang and we spawn a specialized
> gen_server to handle every client that connects to us. We have a
> gen_server whose sole purpose is to spawn these gen_servers for each
> connecting client, which allows the gen_server spawn call to return
> more quickly. After about 150000 clients connect, our msg queue for
> this spawning process begins to grow rapidly. Is it possible that
> using bare erlang processes instead of gen_servers for the clients can
> help here?
> (Note, this is the same server from
> http://groups.google.com/group/erlang-programming/browse_thread/thread/e92b2c1ae4fcf98c?pli=1
> ).
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