[erlang-questions] [ANN] LETS - LevelDB-based Erlang Term Storage v0.5.3
Joseph Norton
Mon Nov 21 12:59:56 CET 2011
Ciprian -
For encoding and then returning keys and values to the Erlang virtual machine, leveldb::Slice() is sufficient. I didn't run any comparison tests but my assumption is that using std::string() requires (should require?) an extra memory allocation, copy, and deallocation for the std:string() object itself.
Joe N.
On Nov 21, 2011, at 8:14 PM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:58, Joseph Norton <norton@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Ciprian -
>> Yes, your guess is correct.
>> Joseph Norton
>> norton@REDACTED
> :D, but then the second question appears:
> * does this affect the performance in any way? (from what I've
> seen in their code, they also use some kind of iterator to implement
> `Get`;)
> * is there a reason not to use the `std::string`? (is it
> inefficient from the C++ point of view, or it is when combined with
> Erlang?)
> I'm not in any way criticizing your work (actually when I've
> studied the LevelDB code I also thought to use the iterator for
> reads).
> I just want to learn from your experience by not making the same
> mistake twice. :)
> Thanks,
> Ciprian.
>> On Nov 21, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
>>> I've thrown a quick look over your code
>>> `https://github.com/norton/lets/blob/master/c_src/lets_nif.cc` -- as I
>>> also want to make a LevelDB binding, but in Go, and I wanted to see
>>> how you did it -- and I was curios about one thing: why you never use
>>> `db->Get` but always for read operations you use
>>> `db->NewIterator(...)`? (I guess it's because it doesn't return a
>>> `Slice` but a `std::string`?)
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