[erlang-questions] [ANN] Snack Words - Real-time, multi-player iOS game with Erlang backend

Jack Moffitt jack@REDACTED
Wed Mar 30 21:37:17 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I just wanted to tell everyone that my iOS game, Snack Words, finally
launched a week or so ago. I'm a pretty big fan of word games, and I
was really surprised there are so few multiplayer games in the App

It seemed like a perfect job for Erlang too, and I gave a talk about
it at recent Erlang Factory in San Francisco. The full server
implementation, including rating system, pairing, and robot players
clocks in at ~2,400 lines of code, including comments and whitespace.
There's another 900 lines of tests.

It really amazed me at the end how reading the main client gen_fsm
code is basically just a funnily formated description of the protocol

Perhaps I'll be able to write the client side of future games in Erlang soon :)

Hope you enjoy!


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