[erlang-questions] Re: Differences in Erlang shells in Windows

Robert Raschke rtrlists@REDACTED
Tue Mar 29 19:00:34 CEST 2011

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Koener Antoine <antoine.koener@REDACTED>wrote:

> is of the shells "erl.exe" and "werl.exe". I'm kind of new to this, and I
>> want to make sure I am using the right one.
> Easy:
> erl.exe don't handle completion, (i.e. TAB is a \t) and runs in 'cmd.exe'
> werl.exe is autonomous, you can change the font, you have completion (TAB
> completes)
> erl.exe is needed to launch a service (see erlsrv)
> werl.exe is the prefered window shell.
> Finally experiment yourself, you'll find that werl is the only way to go on
> windows...
And erl.exe doesn't handle Ctrl-G, whereas werl.exe does.

Ctrl-G brings you into the "Shell Break Mode", where you can stop, start,
and switch shells.

"Erlang and OTP in Action" by Logan, Merrit, and Carlsson, Chapter 2, has a
decent description of what you can do in that mode. Pretty neat, especially
when doing distributed stuff.

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