[erlang-questions] [ANN] Lager - a new logging framework for Erlang/OTP

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Fri Jul 22 11:42:17 CEST 2011

> It has been tested for several times and considered a VM OOM killer,
> when you have to deal more than
> with 1 MB of state.

I believe this is why riak_err was created - to limit the amount of
memory being consumed.

> This is why it is one of the first things, done in erlyvideo: turn off
> error_logger

Or don't log massive terms - we've use error_logger in production
without any issues, but large terms went to a disk_log backed thing. I
do seem to remember that we found making the client (i.e., the process
in which the call site appears) do the work and block seemed to offer
better throughput under load.

Anyway these issues about error_logger are an interesting point -
perhaps Lager will be a better option. I wrote fastlog mainly for my
open source projects, so it should be easy to swap out and experiment.

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