getting a chrome extension to talk to erlang

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Sat Feb 19 18:13:09 CET 2011

I've made a little chrome extension that might even be useful :-)

[[ it's part of my websockets server -- available at ]]

Once installed you can select any region of the current web page you are
by dragging the mouse over the interesting region. Then click on the
extension icon.

A popup menu appears. You can add a few comments, click on save
and a message is sent to a little erlang server sebg.erl.
The date extracted from the webpage is put into a snippet file
for future analysis.

This strikes my as actually being the start of something very useful.
Bookmarking an entire web page is not so useful, after all what was it on
the page
that was interesting?

I spend half my working life searching for how to do things on the net
when I find the answer I just want to clip it out of the browser and save it
for future use, so this little code fragment might end up being quite

Next steps -

1) in the browser

better javascript to extract information on the web page
make a pluging for firefox etc.

2) in the server
   - put the snippets in a database
   - analyse snippets for semantic information
   - auto classification of snippets
   - share snippets with friends
   - real time chat about snippets
   - organise snippets into sequences (books :-) keeping track of
     where they came from for crediting the authors

A large amount of assistance is needed here.

Try it out from

Any volunteers to host a public snippet DB- this would be a good thing to
benchmark things like couchdb, riak etc.


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