[erlang-questions] ssl_connection process hibernation option

Jeroen Koops koops.j@REDACTED
Fri Feb 4 15:04:34 CET 2011

I would very much appreciate this too.

As a test, I inserted a proxy-module between the gen_fsm and ssl_connection
callback, that changes all responses from the ssl_connection callback to
include the 'hibernate' option (it's not a hack -- it's AOP!) and the
savings are dramatic: before the change an SSL connection used around 350
kB, after the change only around 600 bytes. If a system is maintaining
thousands of SSL connections, this really adds up.

If we could somehow get hibernation built in to the ssl application, that
would be great.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Ferenc Holzhauser <
ferenc.holzhauser@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using R14B01 new SSL to set up a lot of (not very active) client
> connections.
> I have noticed that ssl_connection processes use a lot of memory between
> GC's.
> A forced GC makes them small again until the next piece of received data.
> This adds up to a significant memory usage (around 350-400 kB/session on a
> x64 system in my case) limiting the number of possible sessions.
> An option to hibernate this gen_fsm would decrease the average memory usage
> in this scenario.
> Would it be possible to introduce this option?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ferenc

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