[erlang-questions] Proposal for new Q&A site in Stack Exchange

Ubermensch uberdeveloper001@REDACTED
Wed Dec 21 16:31:27 CET 2011

Can you kindly quote what part of my response is puzzling.

Multi-core architecture is peaking (so it haven't peaked yet, that's right)
 and I am extremely sorry that taught has replace thought (typo).

Discussing the focal point, I believe the present  calibre of CDP
programming and its popularity is not in tune with the hardware growth. You
rightly pointed out the difference between Concurrent, Distributed and
Parallel programming but this difference is not understood by all of the
present developers. Regarding my comment about educational institutions, a
lot of institutions teach them in a rather monotonic, too much theoretical
way (that's my perception) so that its seen as an arcane science. Also,
even a lot of new programs leave concurrency to the OS, let alone support
for distributed.

I am thinking of creating an open source generic research framework ,
actually a public grid of desktop computers, with rich queries, simulations
and fast data analysis using existing python scientific libraries.(Similar
to SAGE but with support for more databases, NumPy GUI and a model builder.
Thinking on the idea, would do some writing in 15 days ) My main purpose is
to decentralize research and High Power Computing
from business organizations to the common user and when I went searching, I
found a lot of developers awfully short of these concepts. That's why I
proposed a Q&A site.

To be blatantly honest, I am just a beginner in hands-on programming (I
have a decent knowledge about ERP implementations and some basic
theoretical computer science)

Would require a lot of help from like-minded people like you. It would be
better if you could suggest me a few books and a starting list of things. I
am now reading Distributed Computing by George Coulouris, have finished a
basic book on Parallel Processing, Google Map Reduce papers and Hadoop and
a lot of other articles (mostly related to practical implementation of
these systems rather than their creation). Also, can you suggest me what
and how simulation models and other research data are analyzed by
institutions or suggest some resource

Thanks for taking the time to write in and would be better if I can add you
to your friends list.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Richard O'Keefe <ok@REDACTED> wrote:

> On 20/12/2011, at 10:27 PM, uberdeveloper wrote:
> > 2) Multi-core architecture is hitting the peak but still most of the
> > applications don't use even 4 cores (forget nodes). I also researched
> > a few computer courses offered in colleges(not an extensive research)
> > and found Distributed, Parallel computing isn't thought critically.
> I'm a bit puzzled by this.  I run a 4th year concurrent programming
> paper with the ultimate aim of getting some of the concepts pushed
> earlier.  I'm careful to distinguish between parallel computing
> (using e.g., OpenMP or Cilk, where the number of active threads is
> an aspect of *implementation*, not an aspect of *design*) and
> concurrent programming, where process structure is part of the
> design and often part of the modelling phase.  I'm also careful to
> distinguish between distributed computing (which brings in issues
> of network reliability and of security) and concurrent programming
> as such.
> When I think about all the "middleware" issues in designing distributed
> systems I get dizzy contemplating all that I'm not able to fit in...
> So what would "thought critically" involved?  I am very keen to improve
> my paper, I *know* it has a long way to go.
> There was a number-crunching system done in Erlang, using binaries with
> embedded tags to hold Matlab-like arrays.  Come to think of it, the
> computer algebra system I've been using lately, SAGE, is written in
> Python, and delegates to a variety of back ends.

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