[erlang-questions] Erlang Web Libraries & Frameworks

Sam Elliott sam@REDACTED
Wed Aug 10 14:21:47 CEST 2011

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:25 AM, Andrew Thompson <andrew@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:04:27AM +0100, Sam Elliott wrote:
>> Hi erlang-questions,
>> Recently I needed to compare a few Erlang web libraries and frameworks
>> for a friend who was writing a simple internal API endpoint. He
>> suggested I should publish the rundown for others, and I thought I'd
>> also circulate it here. I'm relatively new to Erlang, so I have
>> probably missed a few libraries.
>> I'll try to keep it updated as people send me information, so don't
>> hesitate to contact me if i've got something wrong.
>> The article: http://lenary.co.uk/erlang/2011/08/erlang-web-libraries/
>> What are your thoughts?
> I find it interesting that you include mochiweb (an http toolkit)
> alongside with things like chicago boss (a real web framework),
> webmachine (a REST toolkit).

I wanted the guide to be completely comprehensive, so that I have
somewhere to look when I'm choosing the library/framework I use for
future projects, and I hope that it would also help other people.

> It's also interesting you omit misultin, cowboy and zotonic from the
> list.

I hadn't heard of misultin or cowboy until your email, and I wasn't
sure how extensible Zotonic was. Now I've looked into it, I have
updated the article.


> Andrew
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