[erlang-questions] Problem: ll_alloc: Cannot reallocate 10830000 bytes of memory (of type "driver_event_state").

yaohui yaohui1984@REDACTED
Fri Apr 8 12:26:59 CEST 2011

we want a tcp server that can accpet 500k concurrent connections, the server run on 64bit linux with 16G memory, each client send a message per 30s, the server receive message and nothing to do. but reach about 450k connections, the server crashed,
 Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
ll_alloc: Cannot reallocate 10830000 bytes of memory (of type "driver_event_state").
 here is a part of erl_crash.dump
Wed Apr  6 19:02:29 2011
Slogan: ll_alloc: Cannot reallocate 10888824 bytes of memory (of type "driver_event_state").
System version: Erlang R14B02 (erts-5.8.3) [source] [64-bit halfword] [smp:8:8] [rq:8] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:true]
Compiled: Wed Apr  6 09:44:31 2011
Atoms: 6628
total: 2056754272
processes: 749739128
processes_used: 749736512
system: 1307015144
atom: 462593
atom_used: 437166
binary: 685882200
code: 3536547
ets: 195800
sys_misc: 55011874
static: 222822400
atom_space: 98328 73381
atom_table: 95961
module_table: 9084
export_table: 50316
register_table: 276
fun_table: 3266
module_refs: 2048
loaded_code: 3166041
dist_table: 523
node_table: 219
bits_bufs_size: 0
bif_timer: 80184
link_lh: 0
proc: 275970288 275969680
atom_entry: 268304 267824
export_entry: 262256 261776
module_entry: 8088 7688
reg_proc: 1664 904
monitor_sh: 1176 168
nlink_sh: 36651736 36651496
fun_entry: 37696 36328
driver_event_data_state: 48 48
db_tab: 5976 5384
driver_select_data_state: 11067400 11066992
option e: true
option m: libc
option tt: 131072
option tp: 0
 anynoe can analyze this error? 
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