[erlang-questions] gen_leader usage/pointers

Johan Montelius johanmon@REDACTED
Fri Sep 24 14:20:58 CEST 2010


I played around with leader election and atomic multicast last spring and  
you will find some ideas of how things can be done and what to look out  
for. You can find it here:



On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:15:02 +0200, Juan Jose Comellas  
<juanjo@REDACTED> wrote:

> Can anyone who's ever used or (even better!) written one of the many
> gen_leader incarnations point me to some documentation/examples on how to
> use it? I have a scenario where I have to keep a master process (to be
> chosen randomly or according to load) with slaves that takeover when the
> master goes down. I'm not sure if gen_leader is the correct solution, as  
> the
> master communicates to an external service and there will be more than  
> one.
> Both the master and the slave have open sockets to the external service  
> and
> the slave socket is "activated" as soon as the master goes down.
> I'd appreciate any pointers anybody might give me.
> Thanks,
> Juanjo

Associate Professor
Dr. Johan Montelius
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

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