[erlang-questions] Erlang arithmetics
Michael Truog
Sat Oct 30 21:38:19 CEST 2010
You need to use HiPE with guards on the function arguments (integers,
floats) if you want the arithmetic to be as fast as possible within
Erlang code. Exclusively testing arithmetic within Erlang seems to be
otherwise pointless, since Erlang did not focus on numerical processing.
On 10/30/2010 08:31 AM, Jachym Holecek wrote:
> Hello,
> This one:
> -module(b).
> -export([test/1]).
> test(N) ->
> L = [random_point(1000, 1000) || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)],
> Now = now(),
> distance(L, 0.0),
> timer:now_diff(now(), Now).
> distance([{X0, Y0} | [{X1, Y1} | _] = L], Acc) ->
> Dst = math:sqrt(square(X0 - X1) + square(Y0 - Y1)),
> distance(L, Dst + Acc);
> distance([_], Acc) ->
> Acc.
> square(X) ->
> X * X.
> random_point(Xmax, Ymax) ->
> {random:uniform(Xmax), random:uniform(Ymax)}.
> is a bit faster than your original version (and maybe a bit easier on
> beginner's eyes):
> %% 'a' -- original, 'b' -- the above, results from 6 consecutive runs.
> a:test(1000000) => [288317, 324549, 327840, 386648, 388363, 390389]
> b:test(1000000) => [210855, 230395, 238020, 246694, 253710, 261157]
> Speedup may be because 'b' avoids a little allocation overhead, ie. building
> the lists:foldl/3 accumulator tuple. The floating point value used as Acc in
> case 'b' will still be an on-heap object though -- compiler can unbox floats
> locally, but not across function calls it seems? You're right in that integer
> arith ops have to check for smallint -> bigint overflow, BTW.
> I don't have Node.js or HiPE around for comparison...
> Have fun,
> -- Jachym
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