[erlang-questions] Erlang arithmetics
Jachym Holecek
Sat Oct 30 17:31:50 CEST 2010
This one:
test(N) ->
L = [random_point(1000, 1000) || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)],
Now = now(),
distance(L, 0.0),
timer:now_diff(now(), Now).
distance([{X0, Y0} | [{X1, Y1} | _] = L], Acc) ->
Dst = math:sqrt(square(X0 - X1) + square(Y0 - Y1)),
distance(L, Dst + Acc);
distance([_], Acc) ->
square(X) ->
X * X.
random_point(Xmax, Ymax) ->
{random:uniform(Xmax), random:uniform(Ymax)}.
is a bit faster than your original version (and maybe a bit easier on
beginner's eyes):
%% 'a' -- original, 'b' -- the above, results from 6 consecutive runs.
a:test(1000000) => [288317, 324549, 327840, 386648, 388363, 390389]
b:test(1000000) => [210855, 230395, 238020, 246694, 253710, 261157]
Speedup may be because 'b' avoids a little allocation overhead, ie. building
the lists:foldl/3 accumulator tuple. The floating point value used as Acc in
case 'b' will still be an on-heap object though -- compiler can unbox floats
locally, but not across function calls it seems? You're right in that integer
arith ops have to check for smallint -> bigint overflow, BTW.
I don't have Node.js or HiPE around for comparison...
Have fun,
-- Jachym
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