[erlang-questions] More natural interface for SQLite wrapper

Bob Ippolito bob@REDACTED
Mon Nov 22 15:00:32 CET 2010

Does there need to be a difference? Can you use binary for either
without a tuple tag? Maybe blob if it's not strictly valid UTF8?

On Monday, November 22, 2010, Alexey Romanov <alexey.v.romanov@REDACTED> wrote:
> I am working on my fork of the Erlang wrapper for SQLite 3
> (https://github.com/alexeyr/erlang-sqlite3) and one this question
> arose: which Erlang values should correspond to SQLite types
> (http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html) TEXT and BLOB? Currently TEXT
> is any iodata (i.e. binary or iolist), and BLOB is represented by
> tuple {blob, Binary}. The alternative would be to allow only iolists
> as TEXT, and represent blobs as binaries. Which would be easier to
> use, in your opinion?
> Yours, Alexey Romanov
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