[erlang-questions] Conceptual questions on key-value databases for RDBMs users

Morten Krogh mk@REDACTED
Sun Nov 7 22:09:44 CET 2010


Edmond, you talk about datastores that can peek inside the values 
instead of regarding them as opaque binaries.
But are those datastores really kv-stores?
I would claim that, by definition, kv-stores can only do get, put, 
delete and maybe some batch insertions and retrievals, but not more.
Couchdb and mnesia should probably not be named kv-stores, but rather 
something more descriptive of their capabilities.

Also, no-sql is not the same as key-value.
Part of the problem is that no-sql is too loose and broad a category.


inside th eI agree with your points about data stores that can look 
inside the values

On 11/7/10 7:15 PM, Edmond Begumisa wrote:
> Hello Rudolph,
> Small comment. I think one has to be careful not to suggest that blobs 
> in typical RDBMSs and values in typical kv-stores are similar. I've 
> heard that comparison being made before and forgive me, but I just 
> don't see it (if that is indeed what what you were suggesting.)
> In SQL-RDBMSs, blob fields are normally opaque to the db. Storing 
> blobs is the exception rather than the norm so querying against the 
> content of these is usually poorly catered for (if catered for at all) 
> by the query engine. The result is you normally can't use blobs to 
> store anything complex because querying against them is a pain (i.e 
> you'd only store things in a blob that you don't intend on using in 
> the criteria of an SQL statement.)
> Where as for (I think most) kv-stores, the 'values' are not opaque. 
> Storying complex data in the values is the norm, so most kv-stores are 
> aware of the structural content of those values (e.g. JSON in CouchDB, 
> Erlang-Terms in Mnesia.) The result is that kv-store query-engines 
> have a mechanism for querying against the complex values being stored 
> (views for Couch, qlc for Mnesia).
> I would think this renders the use-cases for blobs in RDBM's and 
> values in kv-stores in-comparable. For couch's case, the equivalent to 
> a blob would be more like an attachment. For Mnesia, a blob would be 
> closer to a binary member of a tuple/record.
>> The issue is that the information in the "blob" is not useful. 
>> Neither stored in the RDBMS, nor in a plain KV-store.
> That said, I don't really a agree with this statement. In a typical 
> kv-store the 'value' is useful because the kv-store query engine would 
> understand how to parse it. A typical SQL query-engine would not.
> I'm no Mnesia user, but I would think that you could easily query 
> against parts of an Erlang-term parse tree stored in the database. To 
> my knowledge, the only way to get the equivalent in an SQL-database 
> would be to either...
> a) Spread the parse tree across different tables/records (hierarchical 
> data modeling difficulty with tables non-withstanding)
> b) Use an atypical SQL database like Postgres/Oracle that supports 
> complex/user-defined types
> c) Cheat -- write some sort of plugin that you can from a 
> stored-procedure
> - Edmond -
> -- 
> Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
> On Sun, 07 Nov 2010 23:09:04 +1100, Rudolph van Graan 
> <rvg@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> I am not sure I agree with your statement that traditional databases 
>> "suffer" from the fact that columns have simple types. You can easily 
>> (within reason) make them store complex types. They are at the most 
>> basic level also KV stores. The most basic abstraction for a "Table" 
>> is a set of tuples stored in a certain way. There is no reason why 
>> you cannot define a table with an arbitrary key and an arbitrary 
>> "blob" as value column and then storing your parse tree in that blob 
>> field. (Obviously you need to serialise/deserialise it - as you would 
>> need to do for any storage abstraction).
>> The issue is that the information in the "blob" is not useful. 
>> Neither stored in the RDBMS, nor in a plain KV-store. You have to 
>> make it useful before you can do something with it or extract 
>> information from it. I guess that is why you said thus:
>>> I'm not thinking in terms of joins and normalizing things - the 
>>> thought process
>>> is different - so far I haven't met any problems that don't map onto 
>>> key-values
>>> queries.
>> I agree with you. If you throw distribution, map-reduce and lots of 
>> indices into the equation you can solve most issues this way. Except 
>> for one thing - invariance between multiple records and record types. 
>> There are very few examples where it is useful to live without 
>> invariance - searching being one example.
>> Invariance is a first order concept in any RDBMS system and essential 
>> for many types of systems. However, in my experience, you can achieve 
>> application-level invariance in other ways. But it requires 
>> substantially more work to approximate first order invariance using 
>> KV-stores.  It is sometimes simpler to have your data properly 
>> normalised I think.
>> Rudolph van Graan
>> On Nov 4, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Silas Silva <silasdb@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>> This is a message I sent to the nosql-discussion@REDACTED
>>>> discussion group.  I thought it might be interesting to send it
>>>> erlang-questions, so here we go...
>>>> Hi all!
>>>> I have used SQL RDBMSs for some time.  I've never used any very 
>>>> advanced
>>>> feature, but I know enough of it to make database applications.
>>>> Nowadays, I decided it would be interesting to learn some NoSQL
>>>> databases concepts.  So I decided to pick up some Erlang and 
>>>> Mnesia, its
>>>> native key-value database.  More than scalability itself, the most
>>>> valuable feature for me is the possibility of replication and
>>>> synchronization between nodes.
>>>> But all pros have cons as companion.  The lack of a relationship model
>>>> is difficult for who is used to RDBMSs.  So, my question is:
>>>> * Is there any guide, tutorial, book, whatever, that tries to 
>>>> introduce
>>>>  NoSQL databases to SQL users?
>>>> * Key-value databases are surprising simple.  I know you solve
>>>>  relationship by denormalizing data.  What data should be normalized?
>>>>  What shouldn't?  How do you update denormalized data?
>>> I'm no database expert so don't quote me here ...
>>> As far as I am concerned traditional databases like SQL suffer
>>> from the fact that the data stored in an individual column is 
>>> incredible
>>> simple - I can store an integer/string/... in a column but these are
>>> incredibly simple data structures. I want to store and retrieve 
>>> incredibly
>>> complicated things - how do I store an XML parse tree in a single cell
>>> of a database? - How do I store a database in a database ...
>>> In a decent K-V database the value of the key can be *anything* - an
>>> entire database for example, a compiler, ... no worries
>>> Then when I analyse my problem I start thinking "I can store and 
>>> retrieve any
>>> complex object that keys do I need to solve my problem?"
>>> I'm not thinking in terms of joins and normalizing things - the 
>>> thought process
>>> is different - so far I haven't met any problems that don't map onto 
>>> key-values
>>> queries.
>>> It seems to my that SQL provides you with the ability do to complex
>>> queries on simple things. K-V dbs can do simple queries on complex
>>> things.
>>> /Joe
>>>> Sorry for such simple and general questions.  Things were simple up to
>>>> the moment that I realized that it would be easily solved with a JOIN
>>>> SQL statement.  :-)
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> -- 
>>>> Silas Silva
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