[erlang-questions] Unstable erlang compared to java or perl

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Sun Nov 7 16:27:35 CET 2010


Could you include the program, or preferably a small subset of it, that
runs out of memory?


On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 15:49 +0100, Petter Egesund wrote:
> Hi, I have a small program with lots of memory-updates which I try to
> run in Erlang.
> The same algorithm works fine in both Java and Perl, but fails in
> Erlang because the program runs out of memory - and I can not figure
> out why. Frustrating, as my Erlang-versjon seems to be the easiest to
> scale as well as being the most readable.
> The program is threaded and each thread writes to a ets-table which is
> created at the beginning of the thread. When the thread dies I try to
> do a ets:delete(Table), like described in the manual, but the memory
> used by the thread never seems to be released.
> Some facts:
> - The memory usage of each thread is rather constant. This is
> confirmed when I use ets:i() to show info about memory usage.
> - The number of threads are constant - confirmed by both running top
> and writing out the number of threads regularly. When a thread dies, I
> create a new one.
> - I have tried to end the thread by sending a exit-signal as the last
> statement. This helps some, but does not solve the leak.
> - I put small lists of size 3-4 integers into the ets as values, the
> keys are list of same size as well.
> - I garbage-collect each thread before it dies, as well as doing
> regular global garbage-collects. No help.
> - Information from ets:i() about memory when I sum usage by each
> thread, is much lower than stated by memory() when i run
> erlang:memory(). This might indicate something? Does not seem logical
> to me, at least.
> - Info from erlang:memory is about half of what top/the os tells.
> - I am running on ubuntu, 64-bit, 14A but I have tried 14B as well.
> Any clues? Dump from ets:i() and erlang:memory() is like below.
> Cheers,
> Petter
> --- dump ---
> eNumber of processes: 27
> ets:i():
>  id              name              type  size   mem      owner
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  13              code              set   261    10692    code_server
>  4110            code_names        set   58     7804     code_server
>  6746271765      the_synapses      ordered_set 5425194 113336012 <0.47.0>
>  7022018584      the_synapses      ordered_set 15143493 310909950 <0.48.0>
>  7774416922      the_synapses      ordered_set 8794649 182005810 <0.49.0>
>  ac_tab          ac_tab            set   6      848      application_controller
>  file_io_servers file_io_servers   set   0      302      file_server_2
>  global_locks    global_locks      set   0      302      global_name_server
>  global_names    global_names      set   0      302      global_name_server
>  global_names_ext global_names_ext  set   0      302      global_name_server
>  global_pid_ids  global_pid_ids    bag   0      302      global_name_server
>  global_pid_names global_pid_names  bag   0      302      global_name_server
>  inet_cache      inet_cache        bag   0      302      inet_db
>  inet_db         inet_db           set   29     571      inet_db
>  inet_hosts_byaddr inet_hosts_byaddr bag   0      302      inet_db
>  inet_hosts_byname inet_hosts_byname bag   0      302      inet_db
>  inet_hosts_file_byaddr inet_hosts_file_byaddr bag   0      302      inet_db
>  inet_hosts_file_byname inet_hosts_file_byname bag   0      302      inet_db
>  neurone_counter neurone_counter   set   258394 1846182  entity_server
>  neurone_group_counter neurone_group_counter set   6      344
> entity_group_server
>  neurone_group_name neurone_group_name set   6      426      entity_group_server
>  neurone_group_name_reverse neurone_group_name_reverse set   6
> 426      entity_group_server
>  neurone_name    neurone_name      set   258394 11824602 entity_server
>  neurone_name_reverse neurone_name_reverse set   258394 11824602 entity_server
> memory(): 	  [{total,5568669792},
>                    {processes,1138936},
>                    {processes_used,1128120},
>                    {system,5567530856},
>                    {atom,349769},
>                    {atom_used,336605},
>                    {binary,82704},
>                    {code,3046365},
>                    {ets,5562163256}]
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