[erlang-questions] Enhancement proposal to edoc
Dale Harvey
Tue Jun 15 12:44:29 CEST 2010
I just wanted to point out http://erldocs.com/ , in the next few
days I will push some changes that make it much easier to build erldocs for
your own project (as well as some fixes), I will also be keeping a version
online that includes some of the more popular open source projects.
On 15 June 2010 09:08, Fredrik Andersson <sedrik@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi fellow Erlang users
> I am currently in the process of joining a existing project and the current
> state of documentation of it is quite poor. I still figured that I would
> generate the edoc documentation for it and get a quick overview of the
> different
> modules available.
> Now I'm wondering if it would be possible to extend Erlang or edoc so that
> we
> can specify a class on different exports. This would enable the general
> Erlang
> templates to specify a callback class on the standard callback functions in
> and make for an easier separation.
> Example
> %% API: API %this could be a general default
> -export([my_trixy_function_of_doom, ..]).
> %% API: callbacks
> -export([handle_info, handle_cast]).
> %% API: Internal callbacks
> -export([init]).
> I know that this will not solve my general problem with lack of
> documentation
> but since most people that write Erlang uses some standard template I
> figured
> that functionality that can be utilized to enhance a template is still
> usable on
> a poorly documented document.
> Thoughts? Comments?
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