[erlang-questions] [ANN] tidier website
Roberto Aloi
Fri Jan 29 19:00:16 CET 2010
Hi Kostis,
many thanks for this tool. I couldn't find any privacy policy for the uploaded code, though. Do you store them? Do you log the applied transformations?
It would be nice to have some statistics at a certain point, showing which "errors" Erlang developers do more often.
As a graphical note, the top of the page is broken under Firefox 3.0 (the buttons on the top are split in two lines). I guess you could just reduce the width of the "li" items to take count of the borders.
Roberto Aloi
----- "Kostis Sagonas" <kostis@REDACTED> wrote:
> We are very happy to announce the website of Tidier, an automatic
> refactoring tool for Erlang programs.
> Tidier cleans up Erlang source code and suggests to its user a
> sequence
> of transformations that improve the quality and performance of code.
> More information about tidier can be found at its website (*):
> http://tidier.softlab.ntua.gr/
> We welcome feedback and suggestions!
> Kostis Sagonas and Thanassis Avgerinos
> (*) The website is using Erlang tools (ErlyWeb/Yaws). In principle it
> should be robust under heavy load, but it has never been tested
> in
> such conditions.
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Roberto Aloi
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