Zotonic 0.3.0 released

Arjan Scherpenisse arjan@REDACTED
Mon Jan 25 20:51:15 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

Hello Erlang users,

After a month and a bit, I'm very pleased to announce the
third release of Zotonic, the Erlang CMS [1].
As usual, the zip file can be downloaded from Google code:

Please read on for the release notes.

Kind regards,

The zotonic team,

Marc Worrell
Tim Benniks
Arjan Scherpenisse

[1] More info on Zotonic: http://zotonic.com

Release 0.3.0, released on 2010-01-25
- -------------------------------------

* New modules:
** mod_comment
   Enables a simple commenting system on your site using mod_comment.

* New core features
** A new default site
   The default site of a vanilla Zotonic install is now modelled after
   a simple blog-style website, complete with an archive section,
   keywords, navigation to previous and next posts, atom feeds and

** Speed improvements
   The Webmachine code was restructured to be more lean-and-mean,
   yielding up to 20% more performance on page requests.

** WebSockets support
   When WebSockets is available in the browser, then it is used as a
   replacement for the Comet long poll. Currently only Google Chrome
   supports this feature but it is expected to arrive in other
   browsers soon.

** Admin updates
   Support for editing a location (Google map picker), a new
   collection type "query" was added for creating "saved searches".

** EUnit support
   A start has been made to put the core functionality of Zotonic in
   unit tests using the EUnit testing framework. As of yet, only a
   small fraction of the code has been covered, but we'll keep working
   on increasing the code coverage of the tests.

* Bugfixes:
** Resizing animated GIFs (#28)
** Determining EXIF orientation for images (#27)
** OAuth API key management interface is now available in admin (#35)
** Hiding "meta" pages from the admin overview (#12)
** And dozens of small fixes which did not go through the issue tracker.
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