[erlang-questions] Yaws
Steve Vinoski
Wed Jan 13 04:25:49 CET 2010
I'd like to read Thomas's answer to your question, but I'd also like to
understand why you're even asking it -- why do you feel mochiweb would be
better than yaws for this application?
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Henning Diedrich <hd2010@REDACTED>wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> sounds good -- for an online backup service I would have expected mochi web
> to come into play. What made you opt for Yaws?
> Regards,
> Henning
>> As a testimonial of sorts, we're using an extended Yaws and Erlang to
>> handle substantial simultaneous upload traffic for an online backup service
>> with quite nice results so far, performancewise. I won't go into details,
>> but I think our current setup will be limited by the available network or
>> disk bandwidth rather than CPU, memory, or any software bottlenecks. So
>> switching to nginx or something like that would just be painful without
>> providing much improved performance.
>> (And as a bonus, because the servers just chug along ops love it :-)
>> Best,
>> Thomas
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