[erlang-questions] erl-config

Jayson Vantuyl kagato@REDACTED
Thu Jan 7 01:46:39 CET 2010

I have an escript that I use to gather bits of information from the Erlang environment itself.  I would rather have an escript do this than a raw binary, just to ensure that all of this data is available from inside Erlang (which is useful, I think).

Alternatively, people have previously discussed ideas for a generic Erlang control program (i.e. ectl or erlctl?) that could provide a CLI to common features or applications in running nodes.  This could also provide a way to get at the information if it were available inside of of the runtime (which I suggest it really should be).

See my script here:  http://github.com/jvantuyl/erl-skel/blob/master/scripts/erl_info

On Jan 6, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Tony Rogvall wrote:

> Hi list!
> How about installing a small script together with the erlang installation called "erl-config"
> The idea is that it should be used much like the other config scripts "out there".
> erl-config
> Options:
> 	--prefix
> 	--exec-dir
> 	--lib-dir <app>	(directory leading to erlang application named <app> )
> 	--version		(erts version)
> 	--nif_libs			(libraries if any needed to build a nif shared objec)
> 	--nif_ld			(command used to link nif shared object)
> 	--nif_cflags		(complier flags needed to compile a nif file)
> 	--drv_libs		(same as for nif)
> 	--drv_ld
> 	--drv_cflags
> This would simplify the process of building of shared objects like nif and loadable driver shared objects.
> I guess that people writing code using erl_interface could benefit from options like:
> 	--ei-libs
> 	--ei-cflags
> suggestions / alternatives ?
> Thanks
> /Tony
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