[erlang-questions] Is there a way to generate PDFs with edoc?

Daniel Rönnqvist kdronnqvist@REDACTED
Tue Jan 5 12:21:02 CET 2010


you can generate LaTeX code from your own edoc layout module. Then
just run the unix command pdflatex that comes with the latex package,
which produces a PDF from latex code. See the edoc_layout module for
an example.


2010/1/5 Axel Andrén <axelandren@REDACTED>:
> Hello!
> I'm part of a student group that has been working on an erlang-based cluster
> for the half a year or so. We are currently writing the report for both the
> cluster and the course it was part of, and would like to use the edoc
> comment documentation in the product report. But edoc makes html files,
> which is a bit inconvenient for including in a report.
> Ideally we'd like to put the documentation for each application in one big
> pdf, but getting one pdf for each app would work fine too.
> Is there a way we can do this?
> Best regards,
> Axel Andrén, Student at Uppsala University

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