[erlang-questions] how: Another library flatten function?
Dmitry Belayev
Sat Feb 27 09:42:48 CET 2010
Shame on me, my own version uses f(_, f(_)) so it is not-tail recursive too.
Dmitry Belayev wrote:
> It would be best solution in non-strict language like haskell, but in
> erlang it is not tail-recursive, so it will use more memory.
> Robert Virding wrote:
>> Here are two very similar versions based on the code in lists.erl.
>> They are both coded in a very straight forward style (I think) without
>> reverse or append, but I haven't measured them.
>> -module(ft).
>> -export([fl1/2, fl2/2]).
>> fl1([[C|_]=H|T], Tail) when is_integer(C) ->
>> [H|fl1(T, Tail)];
>> fl1([H|T], Tail) when is_list(H) ->
>> fl1(H, fl1(T, Tail));
>> fl1([H|T], Tail) ->
>> [H|fl1(T, Tail)];
>> fl1([], Tail) -> Tail.
>> fl2([[C|_]=H|T], Tail) when not is_integer(C) ->
>> fl2(H, fl2(T, Tail));
>> fl2([[]|T], Tail) -> fl2(T, Tail);
>> fl2([H|T], Tail) ->
>> [H|fl2(T, Tail)];
>> fl2([], Tail) -> Tail.
>> Robert
>> 2010/2/26 Dmitry Belayev <rumata-estor@REDACTED>:
>>> How do you propose to remove lists:reverse? To use A ++ [I] in the
>>> second
>>> clause? I don't think that would be optimal solution.
>>> Robert Virding wrote:
>>>> I personally think this is the best solution, write your own function
>>>> that is, as it is such a simple function to start with. Of course, I
>>>> wouldn't use reverse but that is just a matter of detail. :-)
>>>> Robert
>>>> On 26 February 2010 16:50, Dmitry Belayev <rumata-estor@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>> You can write your own:
>>>>> f(List) ->
>>>>> lists:reverse(f(List, [])).
>>>>> f([], A) ->
>>>>> A;
>>>>> f([L|_]=I, A) when is_number(L) ->
>>>>> [I | A];
>>>>> f([H|Tail], A) ->
>>>>> f(Tail, f(H, A)).
>>>>> Bengt Kleberg wrote:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> I have the following list: ["asd",[["Flow","kalle"]],["Sub","F"]]
>>>>>> I would like to flatten it to: ["asd","Flow","kalle","Sub","F"]
>>>>>> lists:flatten/1 is too effective. It gives me: "asdFlowkalleSubF"
>>>>>> Is there another flatten somewhere?
>>>>>> bengt
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