Newbie OSERL question

Damien Kakpo damien_kakpo@REDACTED
Fri Feb 26 01:31:57 CET 2010

I just started learnig erlang and I've come across your interesting work on oserl which have given me some idea. What the state of oserl today ? Where can I find the latest version which is in production and help to implemente it just to send SMS to several persons. Thanks 
                                                                     Damien KAKPO

I just started learnig erlang and I've come across your interesting work on oserl which have given me some idea. What the state of oserl today ? Where can I find the latest version which is in production and help to implemente it just to send SMS to several persons. Thanks 
                                                                     Damien KAKPO
I just started learnig erlang and I've come across an interesting  SMPP work ( oserl )which have given me some idea. What the state of oserl today ? Where can I find the latest version which is in production and help to implemente it just to send SMSs. Thanks 
                                                                     Damien KAKPO


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